21 Days of Meditation

Open Dates

Online Program Online

Contact: Andrea

  • CAD $69.00 – 21 Days of Meditation

For Nectar co-owner, Andrea, daily meditation practice has truly changed her life for the better – thus creating an authentic passion for sharing the practice. In uncertain times, in times of change, in times of joy, in times of pain, in times of complexity, meditation is something you can continually fall back on as a ritual to bring you home. And where is home? It’s right where you are!

We are offering our community the chance to partake in Andrea’s daily meditation rituals. We all can benefit so deeply from detaching from the fluctuating mind and attaching to the wondrous moment of now.

When you sign-up, we will release the first of 21 guided audio recordings. The first recording will be 10 minutes and each day following we will add an additional minute. By the end, you will have attained 30 minute daily seated meditation practice.

You can play the audio recording any time that works for you. Set your own timeline, but commit to sitting daily, ideally at the same time each day.

We look forward to sharing these beautiful meditations with you.

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